Step 2: Choose Context Layers

The Climate Atlas, showing the available Jurisdictions layers

The Climate Atlas contains several static layers to provide baseline information about the status of a selected landscape.

Jurisdictions are lands that have some form of existing federal designation. The Climate Atlas displays baseline data on:

  • Protected Lands
  • Federal Lands
  • Congressional Districts
  • Tribal Lands*

* This layer identifies American Indian and Alaska Native reservation lands and lands held in trust by the U.S. government for federally recognized tribes and individual Native Americans. However, the designers of The Climate Atlas recognize that all land in the U.S. is Indigenous land.

Important Management Areas are lands that are managed under some form of existing federal administrative plan. The tool includes baseline data on:

  • U.S. Forest Service Inventoried Roadless Areas
  • All Roadless Areas
  • BLM ACECs [Areas of Critical Environmental Concern]
  • Sage Grouse Priority Areas
  • Sage Grouse Range
  • BLM Lands with Wilderness Characteristics
  • National Monuments and Conservation Areas

Existing Impacts identify lands that are currently facing impacts from oil and gas development. The tool includes baseline data on:

  • Oil and Gas Wells
  • Oil and Gas Fields